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September 14, 2024

Mainland vs. Free Zone: Which is Better for Business in Dubai? What You Need to Know


Dubai, known for its booming economy and strategic location, has become a top choice for entrepreneurs and investors worldwide. When setting up a business in Dubai, one of the most crucial decisions is choosing between a mainland and a free zone business structure. This decision impacts not only your company’s legal standing but also market access, ownership rights, and tax obligations. Therefore, understanding the differences between a mainland vs. free zone Dubai setup is essential for any entrepreneur looking to thrive in this business hub.

In this guide, we’ll explore the key differences, benefits, and challenges of both business structures and help you make an informed decision for your company.

Overview of Mainland Business Setup

A mainland business setup in Dubai is regulated by the Department of Economic Development (DED), which grants a DED license for businesses to operate across the UAE without geographical restrictions. Mainland companies can tap into the entire UAE market, including government contracts, and enjoy the freedom to conduct business activities with no location-specific limits. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for companies that want to trade both within the UAE and internationally.

One of the traditional requirements for mainland businesses was the need for a local sponsor or Emirati partner to own 51% of the company. However, recent amendments to UAE laws now allow 100% foreign ownership in many sectors, significantly enhancing the appeal of mainland business setups.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited access to the local UAE market.
  • The ability to bid for government contracts.
  • No restrictions on the number of employee visas.
  • Local sponsor or service agent required for certain industries (depending on business activity).
  • 100% foreign ownership permitted in select sectors under new laws.

Overview of Free Zone Business Setup

Free zone business setups, on the other hand, offer a completely different set of benefits and limitations. Free zone companies are designed to promote foreign investment by offering 100% foreign ownership, tax benefits, and streamlined processes for company formation. They are especially attractive to businesses focused on import/export, media, tech startups, and logistics.

Dubai has several key free zones like the Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai Media City, and Dubai Internet City, each tailored to specific industries. However, a free zone company can only operate within the designated free zone unless a local agent or distributor is appointed to conduct business in the UAE mainland.

Key Benefits:

  • 100% foreign ownership with no need for a local sponsor.
  • Full tax exemptions (corporate, personal, and customs).
  • Simplified setup process with less bureaucracy.
  • Ideal for businesses in specialized industries (media, tech, manufacturing).


  • Operations are restricted to the free zone unless a local agent is appointed.
  • Cannot trade directly in the UAE mainland without an intermediary.

Key Differences Between Mainland and Free Zone

Aspect Mainland Free Zone
Ownership 100% foreign ownership in select sectors; otherwise, requires local sponsor 100% foreign ownership
Market Access Full UAE market access Restricted to the free zone
Business Activities Broad, flexible scope of activities Limited to specific industries per zone
Visa Flexibility No restrictions on employee visas Visa quotas may vary by free zone
Office Requirements Must have physical office space Virtual offices often allowed
Taxation Subject to UAE corporate tax in certain sectors Full tax exemptions for a specified period

Understanding the fundamental differences between mainland and free zone structures can help you decide which is better suited to your business goals. If full market access and government contracts are important to your business, a mainland setup may be ideal. For businesses looking to reduce tax burdens and simplify the setup process, a free zone setup may be more appealing.

Pros and Cons of Mainland Business Setup


  1. Access to the local market: Mainland companies can operate anywhere in the UAE and take advantage of lucrative government contracts.
  2. Flexibility in business activities: Mainland businesses can easily expand their operations without geographical restrictions.
  3. No limitations on employee visas: Mainland companies enjoy fewer restrictions on the number of visas they can sponsor.
  4. Trade between mainland and free zone companies: Mainland companies can freely conduct business with both mainland and free zone entities.


  1. Local sponsor requirement: For some business activities, a local sponsor or agent is still required.
  2. Higher operational costs: Mainland businesses face higher costs, including office space requirements.
  3. Heavier regulatory compliance: There are more stringent licensing and auditing requirements for mainland companies.

Pros and Cons of Free Zone Business Setup


  1. 100% foreign ownership: Free zone businesses offer full ownership without the need for an Emirati partner.
  2. Tax exemptions: Free zone companies enjoy corporate tax exemptions for 15 to 50 years, along with customs benefits.
  3. Simplified setup: Setting up a free zone company is typically faster and involves less bureaucracy compared to mainland companies.
  4. Ideal for specific industries: Free zones cater to specialized sectors, providing tailored infrastructure and services.


  1. Limited market access: Free zone companies cannot trade directly within the UAE mainland without appointing a local agent.
  2. Industry restrictions: Free zones often have restrictions on the types of activities allowed based on the zone’s focus.
  3. Business expansion limitations: Free zone companies face more challenges if they want to expand outside their specific zone.

Industry-Specific Considerations

Choosing between a mainland and free zone setup depends largely on your industry and target market. For instance, retail businesses benefit more from a mainland setup due to the need for local market access. In contrast, tech startups and media companies may prefer industry-specific free zones like Dubai Internet City and Dubai Media City, which offer infrastructure tailored to their needs.

For manufacturing businesses, the Jebel Ali Free Zone is ideal, providing logistical advantages and access to major shipping routes.

Legal and Financial Considerations

Both mainland and free zone businesses must comply with specific legal and financial requirements. Mainland companies are subject to UAE labor laws, audits, and certain sectors may face corporate taxes. Meanwhile, free zone companies enjoy tax exemptions but may face restrictions on their ability to expand beyond their designated free zone.

Recently, the UAE introduced corporate taxes, affecting some mainland businesses, especially those operating in sectors like oil and gas. Understanding these legal and tax obligations is crucial for making an informed decision.

Conclusion: Which is the Better Choice?

In the debate of mainland vs. free zone, the answer largely depends on your business goals, industry, and desired market access. Mainland businesses enjoy full access to the UAE market, making them ideal for companies looking to trade locally and secure government contracts. On the other hand, free zone companies benefit from 100% ownership and tax exemptions, making them a strong choice for international traders and niche sectors.

Before making a decision, it’s wise to consult with a PRO service provider like us at The Dubai Pro to ensure you choose the right structure for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between a mainland and free zone business in Dubai?
A mainland business can operate throughout the UAE, while a free zone business is restricted to specific zones unless a local agent is appointed.

Can I own 100% of my company in Dubai’s mainland?
Yes, recent changes allow 100% foreign ownership in certain mainland sectors.

Which free zone is best for my business?
The best free zone depends on your industry. For tech startups, Dubai Internet City is ideal, while Jebel Ali Free Zone suits logistics and manufacturing.

Can free zone companies do business in Dubai’s mainland?
Yes, but they need a local agent to conduct business outside the free zone.

What are the costs of setting up a business in Dubai’s mainland vs. free zone?
Mainland businesses often face higher costs due to office space and licensing fees, while free zones offer more affordable setups but with limited market access.

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